Donation Policy

The Bellaire Public Library accepts donated items for their collections with the understanding that these items must meet the same standards as purchased materials. Criteria of relevancy to the library’s mission, content appropriateness, and cost analysis of processing and maintenance of the items are carefully considered during the evaluation process.

Donated items considered for inclusion:

Items not considered:

  • First edition books
  • Books in good, clean condition
  • DVDs
  • Music scores
  • CDs-sound recordings
  • CDs-narratives
  • Archival items
  • Children’s books
  • Local history items (completed deed of gift form required)
  • Paperbacks (for book sales only)
  • Videocassettes (for book sales only)
  • Textbooks
  • Newspapers and journals
  • Material in poor or dirty condition
  • Outdated material
  • Cassette tapes

Once accepted, these items become the exclusive property of the library and are handled in the same manner consistent with established library procedures. Accepted items are cataloged. A nameplate is affixed to the item in the donator’s honor or in memoriam of a person(s) named, and an acknowledgement letter is sent.

A pre-written inventory/bibliography of your donated items is appreciated. The library cannot, however, perform an appraisal on any donated item. Items not accepted may be discarded, sold via book sale or given to another library, museum or archives. Monetary gifts to the library are encouraged. Memorial gifts may also be made.

If donations are of intrinsic/archival value, a Deed of Gift is completed and signed by the Donor or Donor’s Agent as well as the Library Director or Library Agent.

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